Improve Branch Security With Electronic Locks

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Why Kaba

Conversion to Electronic locks on all Cash Storage Safes and Main Vaults


  • To support a leaner staffing model by eliminating the need and scheduling headaches of “A and B key-holders” on all cash safes and main vaults. All employees have their own ID and combo
  • Enable branch management the ability to change combos
  • As audit requirements continue to grow you can be steps ahead by deploying an auditable locking solution to protect ALL cash storage access points

Additional benefits:

  • Reduced service spend for combo changes if able to self-perform
  • Immediately response to a security concern by fulfilling a needed combo change at the branch level
  • Additional safeguard against dual control being compromised
  • No batteries to change
  • Proven Wittenbach implementation and ongoing operations plan documentation included. Support to modify and adapt plan to satisfy your operation audit requirements

Why Now… 

For years security companies have been installing electronic locks on safes and lockers. These installations worked well but without the ability to incorporate electronic locks on all dual control entry points the “full” benefit couldn’t be realized. Wittenbach has become the industry leader by designing and implementing a solution for the main vault door no matter the age of the door. No other company has a solution to retrofit an electronic lock on any existing make or model vault door! WBS has successfully retrofitted over 1,000 vault doors with great success.